Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Comin' From The Southside"

Common VS. Kanye (Freestyle Battle) (1996)

I found this browsing on 'Ye blog 2nite.

Now... Kanye got a couple shots in... but yo... Com served him like a two piece with a side of cole slaw and a biscuit, LMAO!!! Com was taking the last word of 'Ye's rhymes and just flipped on him. And is it just me, or is 'Ye's style sounds like a member of the Wu-Tang Clan on this tape?

But my have times changed...

And On That Note... I'm out.


Patrick said...

and the term freestyle gets looser and looser

thE oLd SouL said...

This is true. I know in the video, Com was spittin his verse from "Southside." But in that 96 tape, Com was mirkin shit.