Friday, June 6, 2008

The L's Growth

(Designed by the homie Chase, who was one of my "little brothers" during the Freshman Retreat my senior year.)
Aside from about a year ago when helping my old speech and debate team with judging at an event, I have not been on my old high school's campus on a school day since the day I graduated. It was officially 2 years ago this past Tuesday. So since I had some time on my hands today, I decided to take a trip down to Loyola High School (The L) and see how the campus looks after nearly 4 years of reconstruction.

"Basically" (c) Dr. Lalo Diaz, I was at a lost for words. The campus looks incredible. No lie, I damn near needed a map to figured where everything was at. I was able to catch up with a couple of people I have not seen in a minute, although there were a some individuals who were not there at the time that already left campus for the day; since graduation is tomorrow, everyone was running "like a chicken with it's head cut off." So I'm gonna have to take another trip up there soon.

When you get older, you sometimes forget that everything around you most evolve as well. Nothing will forever the stay the exact way, but also, like the old saying goes "More things change, the more they stay same." Honestly, for many reasons as I discovered today, is case The L. I am forever greatful for the four years I spend there. To all my Cub peoples, GET BIG!!! YA'LL DIG!?!?!?!?

And on that note... I'm out.