Sunday, July 13, 2008

Shm... Jesse, Jesse, Jesse.

I don't care what anyone says. Jesse is not stupid. He made be old and senile, but he's not stupid. Jesse has been in the media spotlight for close to 40+ years and knows about turning off your mic when the camera's stop rolling. You can't tell me he didn't do this shit on purpose for some attention. Plus, it not just the fact that Jesse is still salty in regards to losing his presidential bid in 1984, but if you follow Jesse and Obama, you know really there ideologies is the true conflict.

Jesse, during his whole career has always been one to "rely on the government." Meaning he believes that the entire reason why Black people are in still are not equal in America, is because the government does not support us. Does our government truly give a damn about Blacks? Not that much.

HOWEVER, in that same era where most of Jesse career was made, groups such as The Black Panthers brought forth the ideas of personal responsibility for self and for our communities. Meaning, we can't really on anyone else, we gotta do this on our own. The reality is, even today, the government does have the power to assist the American people, but ultimately, that change has to be conceived and nurtured BY THE PEOPLE. This is the Obama's point of view.

And you know where Jesse is, Al is right behind him.

"We don't sit up and say what do you think about this one? We don't gossip like that.." BULL-SHIT!!! There is no way you can possibly defend this shit. These niggas are backpedding more than Deion Sanders.

Honestly, this whole this is one big "nigga moment" caught on nation television. Can be summed up into one image that has been real cause of why we, as a people, are still not on the same page...

And on that note... I'm out.