Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rock The House

Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff reunite... from MickBoogie on Vimeo.
"I called Jazzy Jeff on the phone
I said, "I'm downstairs waitin' Jeff come on"
I told him there's this hot spot we gotta burn
He said, "Man after last weekend
haven't you learned?"

- Act Like You Know From Born To Reign (2002)

Thanks to Cleveland DJ, Mick Boogie, here is Will And Jeff on stage rockin' @ the Hancock Premiere. Fo' real "stop playing with my emotions" (c) Big Worm, release a new album and tour... it's WAY over due; especially with the heat Jeff has been producing lately? If you don't believe me, you need to cop last year's The Return Of The Magnificent. One of the best from '07.

Hancock drops in theatres today.

And on that note... I'm out.