Sunday, November 2, 2008

I See Me

Download Link

Hey Ya'll,

This joint right here... and I maybe speaking for Key as well on this, is one my favorite records I have ever been a part of; now and most likely for the rest of my life. Although there have been a many of song that have come out of the Hip-Hop community within the past year that have been in support of Barack Obama, none of them have really expressed how much the election means to people. Not just from a current standpoint (economics, the war, “enter any issue that been a part of the election here”, etc), but from a history context.

This election is the breaking of many a cycle. This election has change perceptions, and in some cases, displayed how some of those perceptions have not changed. It has showed that we, as a society, have a long way to go, and a lot of work in front of us. But on a positive note, it displayed the uniting of peoples from different backgrounds in an effort for one common goal.

The grassroots genus which was Obama’s campaign was something I had never seen before in my lifetime. Everywhere, and I mean everywhere, within the past year, I have seen incredible displays of support for Obama by the public: T-Shirts, bumper stickers, through various forms of art, public access media, and more so, and MORE IMPORANTLY, support in the sense that people have signed up to vote! That right there, is a victory in itself.

It has been said that “If you don’t take part in a democracy, then it will take you apart.” It seems as if the general public has learned from the travesties of the past eight years and decided to say something about it. Voting, in this scenario, is THE ULTIMATE form vocal expression; and never should be taken for granted. If you have some type of power to better your surrounding world… don’t think about it, use it.

This is the reason why I think people follow Obama, he empowers other people. People feel compelled to actually take control of their lives and make great things happen. And when you have the power to compel your fellow man or woman, you have, without question, earned the title of a leader. When a crowd follows an individual, they usually see something of themselves within that person. It can be a characteristic they possess or want to possess. Thus is the underlining topic of this song.

There is very interesting incident that birth the creation of this song, but I’ll wait until I write the liner notes for The B.L.A.C.K Odyssey to explain that one. If you want to hear the story now, just ask next time you see me.

“I See Me” features a good friend of my mine that attends LMU with Key and I named Chad Johnson (who sings the chorus and supplies background vocals) and Kerwin Tsang of Dorm 25 on bass (if you know the history of The Flow, you already know of Mr. Tsang and The Impeccable Dorm 25). If you were in attendance at the Hip-Hop The Vote show at LMU about 3 weeks ago, you heard Key and I close our set with this song.

Please past this link along to all of your peoples and feel free to give feed back on not just the song, but also what you think about this election itself. Peace and love to all of you, I hope you enjoy the song, AND DON’T FORGET TO EXERCISE YOUR POWER ON TUESDAY!!! VOTE!!!!!

And on that note... I'm out.