Saturday, February 16, 2008

Take It Back

After being released almost 2 months ago, the latest Wu-Tang album FINALLY gets a video. Confession, I have not really heard anything from the new record, and everytime I had the album in my hand to buy it, I got something else instead. "8 Diagrams" has be SERVERLY by critics and fans from what I have seen. Not helping the cause is also the well documented internal beefs within the clan for the past couple months.

Either way you look at it, that still is no excuse for me not checking out this album. From the sounds of this track, I may have been sleepin' on the album. This Shit is FYFAAAAAAAAAA (c) M.O.P. Video is not bad either. Kinda wished The Clan could have formed "Voltron style" again and make a classic video, but I'll take for what it is. I think I'm going to have to cop this next I'm out record shopping.

8 Diagrams in stores now.

And On That Note... I'm Out.